Tayba Foundation

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A little Ramadan miracle - and a shahadah

We got an unexpected call at the Tayba office a few days ago.

The caller (let’s call her Michelle) told us that she was the niece of one of Tayba’s advanced students (who’s still in prison). She had been talking to her uncle and had been interested in Islam for many years.

Life had put her in a difficult situation. She had been struggling with many things until the worst happened: her kids were taken away by the court.

So for her latest court hearing, Michelle decided to turn to Allah. She put on a hijab, put her trust in Him, and went.

And subhanAllah, at this hearing, the judge told her that she was a completely different woman from the last time he saw her. He returned her kids to her immediately.

After this event, Michelle’s uncle urged her to take shahadah and referred her to Tayba for questions. She agreed.

Alhamdulillah, we are now in the process of connecting Michelle with a Muslim community in her area. Her uncle will mentor her through her conversion.

For us, it is a reminder that when we are in a difficult situation, we should trust in Allah and rely on Him. In fact, He creates these opportunities for us to reconnect with Him.

Michelle’s story is also an example of how Tayba reaches beyond those it works with directly.

Many Tayba students share their newfound knowledge and passion for the deen with their family, friends, and fellow prisoners. Many report helping others take shahadah, gain confidence in faith, or gain a better understanding of Islam.

This Ramadan,
Can you help Islam reach more prisoners?